Thursday, January 10, 2008



RADAR SYSTEM AND NAVIGATION (B.Tech 6th & 7th Semester,2122)
NOTE:- This paper consist of Three Sections. Section A is compulsory. Do any Four questions from
Section B and any two questions from Section C

Section-A Marks : 20

1(a) A radar is expected to have a range of 100 km. What is the maximum alloable pulse repetition frequency
for unambiguous reception ?
(b) Differentiate between A, B and PPI displays.
(c) Draw the block diagram of a CW dopper radar.
(d) For a radar, peak transmitted power is 1 MW, pulse width is 1 µ sec and PRF is 1kHz. Calculate the average
transmitted power.
(e) State Doppler principle for velocity determination.
(f) Explain sub-clutter visibility.
(g) Show different radar antenna patterns for target acquisition.
(h) What is noise jamming as reffered to ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) ?
(i) Give the outline of LORAN.
(j) State the functions of Ground Controlled Approach.

Section-B Marks:5 Each

2. Explain the principle of working of a FM-CW radar. How will you modify if for using as an altimeter?
3. Write a technical note on satellite based Navigation System.
4. Draw the block diagram of a two coordinate amplitude comarision monopulse tracking radar and explain the
working of different subsystems.
5. Explain the integration of radar pulses. For a ground-based search radar, pulse repetition frequency is 300 Hz,
beam is 1.5o, and antenna scan rate is 5 r.p.m. Calculate the number of hits from a point target on each scan.
6. Mention the special features of an actual radar system. Explain its working in Brief.

Section-C Marks : 10 Each

7. Consider a millimeter wave radar with the following parameters:
Transmitted pulse power, P1 = 3kW
Pulse repetition frequency, PRF = 1000 pps
Pulse width t = 5010-9 sec.
Diameter of antenna D = 1ft.
Radar cross-section of target,σ = 30 mt2
k = i.38x10/-23 J/K
Absolute temperature, T = 1467.93oK
System loss Ls = 10 dB
S/N = 10dB
Azimuth scan = +- 30o
Elevation scan = 2o
Target scan time, ts = 4 sec.
Determine the maximum unambiguous range of the radar operating at a frequency of 10 GHz.
8. With the hepl of block diagram, explain the working of an MTI radar. An MTI radar is operating with a frequency
of 450 MHz. if an aircraft is approaching with a speed of 200 m/sec and remains undetected, what can be the
pulse repetition frequency of the radar?
9. What are the requirements of an ECCM? Draw the block diagram of an ECCM system and label the different blocks
clearly. Describe its working. (ECCM = Electronic Counter Counter Measures).

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